Monday, November 10, 2014

Aquaponics Saves Lives

It's true. My Aquaponics system has turned into a mini Humane Society for outside garden plants. Currently, I am growing the following transplants:

I just transplanted this parsley after harvesting all the leaves. It's grown well in this system in the past, so I should see new growth soon.

Wild Mustard
I love wild mustard. It's like wasabi as a leaf. Try it.

These purple basil are doing better indoors than they did all summer outdoors. There's been a lot of new growth and I've been cutting it back every couple of weeks.

The rosemary are my resident plants, so even if I decide to harvest all the others, I still have these two plants to filter the water for the goldfish below. They buffer the system in between plantings.

The sorrel is growing really quickly. It's an acquired taste, which is kind of sour like a wild strawberry, but I like its juicy flavor.

My coworker, Tim Stone, gave me a mint plant and I put one of it's shoots in the system. So far so good - some new growth and it's rooting well. I hear mint can take over, so I'm watching this one carefully.

All these plants are growing indoors, under two 4' low wattage florescent ballasts with indirect light from the window above.

Meanwhile, the fish are getting fat. Stay tuned for my next blog about them.

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